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End of the Year Message, 2021

Posted over 2 years ago by Eric Aguirre

Dear ASMNP Members

Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication to our patients these past several years. It has been a difficult two years, but we are enduring.  In addition, your ASMNP board members want to say thank you for being a loyal ASMNP member.  Without you, we would not exist.  ASMNP is thriving and membership is gradually increasing despite our current conditions in our world.  We currently have 108 members. Please let your colleagues and classmates know about ASMNP and how they can become a member (direct them to our website).  

We have a new website (same address), check it out There you can find links to our Instagram and Facebook accounts.  We have several upcoming events in 2022, make sure to view our website and your email for updates.

 Again, thank you for your hard work and dedication as a nurse and a member of ASMNP.  If you have any suggestions on how to improve your membership or just want to give your ASMNP board members feed back, please click here. Your feedback is anonymous unless you give us your contact information.    



Thank You,

Eric Aguirre

ASMNP President