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A Message from the ASMNP President

Posted almost 4 years ago by Marci Newcome

ASMNP Members,

On behalf of the entire ASMNP Board, we thank you for your patience over the past few months as we have all learned to navigate life amidst a pandemic. We have carefully considered what the next year will look like for ASMNP and like many of our personal lives, we cannot predict what the future will hold. We place the safety of our members and the southeast Minnesota community first in our decision making. In discussions at our last 2 board meetings, it became apparent that this next year will look completely different than the past few years in ASMNP history. We do not feel it is safe to plan any in-person events for the time being. We are considering virtual events but are trying to be thoughtful in how that would look. I’m sure you can all relate to family/friend Zoom calls with 20 people and you can’t hear anyone talking over anyone else?! We may try to hold a virtual event with the main speaker in the coming months as life continues to evolve. We welcome any feedback you may have or recommendations on how to hold events safely with COVID.


I also want to thank each member and student member for being a part of this great organization. I have been President for the past 2 years and am stepping out of the President role. The past year has provided me with many new career opportunities that have taken my time and energy away from ASMNP. I also have a few exciting things happening in my personal life that demand my attention elsewhere for the next year. I will remain on the Board as Past-President and ensure a smooth transition with our current leadership. I have always been amazed at the commitment of the ASMNP Board and the energy these individuals all bring. I know that ASMNP will be in good hands despite my having less oversight in the routine operations.


It has been my pleasure and joy to lead ASMNP over the past 2 years and to partake as both a member and Board Member over the past 5 years. I will continue to be actively involved with ASMNP and APRN organizations both locally and nationally. It is my hope that you as a member may consider getting more involved and taking ASMNP into the future with new thinking and energy.


With heartfelt gratitude,

Natalie F. Mohammad

ASMNP President (soon to be Past President)